Market Research Related Glossary
Access panels
A database of people who have volunteered to participate in surveys of various types and themes. Rising refusal and non-response rates make recruiting for a single survey more challenging; thus, sampling from a pool of potentially willing marketing research respondents might be viewed as an appropriate method of saving time and money.
Accompanied shopping
A sort of individual depth interview in which respondents are interviewed while shopping at a retail store, combining observation with extensive inquiry.
Alternative hypothesis
The hypothesis states that some difference or effect is expected.
Ambiguous question
A poorly designed question causes respondents and researchers to interpret what is being asked differently, leading to improper or unexpected responses.
A sort of stimulus material in which crucial frames for a television advertisement are drawn or created using a computer and accompanied by a soundtrack.
Annotation method
An approach taken to analyse qualitative data using codes or comments on the transcripts to categorise the points being made by respondents.
Annotation method
An strategy to analysing qualitative data that uses codes or comments on transcripts to categorise the points stated by respondents.
Analysis of variance. A test for discrepancies between the means of two or more variables.
Area sampling
A type of cluster sampling in which clusters are formed based on the geographical location of the population of interest.
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
The use of computer algorithms and systems to replicate human intellect and carry out activities like data analysis and decision making. See Machine Learning, an important subset of Artificial Intelligence.
Audience's thinking sequence
The series of thoughts that people have when they are communicated with.
A review and verification of a product's movement and sale. There are three sorts of audits: wholesale audits, which evaluate product sales from wholesalers to retailers and caterers; retail audits, which measure sales to the end consumer; and home audits, which measure final consumer purchases.
Bar chart
A chart in which the values of several items are represented by a succession of horizontal or vertical bars.
A chart in which the values of several items are represented by a succession of horizontal or vertical bars.
Bayes' theorem
Bayes' theorem is a mathematical formula that allows you to adjust the probability of an event depending on fresh data. In market research, Bayes' theorem can be used to evaluate the likelihood of a target population having a specific trait based on prior behavior or attributes. For example, if we have prior data indicating that 30% of females are likely to purchase a specific product, and further data indicating that 60% of people who purchase that product are female, we may apply Bayes' theorem to estimate the likelihood that the product will be purchased.
Beauty parades
The process of inviting a number of agencies to present their offers verbally to the client firm. The technique is designed to help clients choose the research agency that will conduct a research study.
Behavioral science
Behavioural science is an interdisciplinary field that draws on theories and methodologies from psychology, economics, sociology, and anthropology. Researchers frequently employ behavioral science to discover what consumers value and to propose answers for pricing, choice architecture (nudge theory), perceptions, and behaviors that are difficult to collect using traditional research methods. Also, consider System 1 and System 2 thinking.
Big data
A word used to characterize the large volume and variety of data available to businesses, as well as the increased frequency with which it is generated.
Biometrics is the use of physiological or behavioral features to identify and verify an individual's identity. Fingerprints, facial recognition, voice recognition, and signature analysis are among the features. Biometrics are increasingly being employed in market research studies to authenticate survey participants.
An abbreviated title for the word "web log," which refers to the frequent and chronological publication of personal thoughts and ideas. Twitter is a microblogging website where users may express their opinions and ideas in 140-character Tweets.
Brand Equity Modelling
Brand equity is the brand's ultimate strength. However, there are various perspectives on what Brand Equity is and how to quantify it in surveys. Brand Equity modelling entails creating a Brand Equity measure as well as conducting any Key Driver analysis to identify what drives Brand Equity (for example, which brand imagery claims are most related to Brand Equity).
Brand Fit
Brand fit assesses how well a brand's product quality profile matches the attractiveness of certain traits within a category. For example, if a brand does well on criteria relevant to a specific segment, it will be a good fit for that segment. An really useful analysis for improving brand positioning.
Brand mapping
A projective technique in which respondents are presented with a list of rival brand names and asked to categorize them based on specific aspects like as innovativeness, value for money, service quality, and product range.
Brand personalities
A projective technique in which respondents imagine a brand as a person and describe their appearance, clothing, lifestyle, occupation, and so on.
Brand Price Trade Off
Brand Price Trade Off is a technique for determining brand and pricing preferences. Respondents are presented with a selection of branded products priced at the lowest achievable price point for each of the brands under consideration. The respondent is asked to select which products they would prefer. The price of the selected product is raised to the next level, and they are asked again which product they would like. This process is continued until a product achieves its maximum price and remains selected. Competitive demand curves can be generated, as well as specialized pricing scenario testing.
Canonical Correlations
A statistical technique for determining how much one set of independent variables (such as age, gender, and social class) influences another set of dependent variables (such as snack choice). It is especially beneficial when the dependent variables are many or categorical (for example, age, gender). It can also be used in segmentation, such as to group people based on their beliefs and behaviors.
CAPI stands for Computer-assisted Personal Interviewing. Face-to-face interviews are conducted using laptop computers, tablets, or mobile devices rather than paper-based questionnaires.
Car clinic
A car clinic is a market research technique used in automotive research to acquire information about consumer preferences and detect potential difficulties or problems with a vehicle before it goes into production. During a car clinic, attendees are invited to a facility where they can engage with a pre-production or prototype vehicle and provide input on design, features, and functionality. Car clinics are often held with a small number of participants.
Cartoon completion
A projective technique using a cartoon that the respondent must complete. For example, a cartoon may depict two characters conversing using balloons. One of the balloons represents what one of the characters is thinking or saying, while the other is left blank for the respondent to complete.
Computer-assisted telephone interviews. Telephone interviewers use CATI to type respondents' answers immediately into a computer-based questionnaire rather than writing them on a paper-based questionnaire
Completely automated telephone interviews that use interactive speech technology and do not require a human interviewer. The closed-ended questions are answered by respondents using their touch-tone telephones.
Causal research
Research that investigates whether one variable causes or influences the value of another variable.
CAWI stands for Computer-Assisted Web Interviewing. Also referred to as online interviewing. CAWI entails a respondent filling out a self-completion questionnaire with questions and answers displayed on their screen via the Internet.
Research entails gathering information from every member of the target population.
CHAID (CHi-Squared Automatic Interaction Detection)
CHAID is a form of decision tree technique that uses significance testing. It can be used to generate rules for classifying future responders into designated groups based on a variety of questions, as well as to find interrelationships between questions. For example, combining age and gender helps to explain the various types of food that people eat.
Chat rooms
A web-based platform that can be used for online focus groups in which people are recruited who are willing to discuss a topic online, typically via text.
Chatbot survey
A chatbot survey is a standard survey that is presented to respondents as an online conversation. Instead of responding static questions, respondents are encouraged to join in a conversational interaction or chat.
A statistical test that determines the 'goodness of fit' of a variable's observed and anticipated distributions.
Choice-Based Conjoint
Choice-Based Conjoint is a sort of conjoint analysis in which respondents are asked to choose between multiple sets of products/services in order to determine the overall appeal of each component portion. This can be given as a single choice or as a chip-allocation style response (for example, the number of upcoming purchases allotted to each product/service out of ten).
Closed question
A question that requires the respondent to choose from a prepared list of answers. There are two sorts of closed questions: dichotomous questions with just two possible answers and multiple response questions with more than two.
Cluster analysis
Cluster analysis is a statistical term for segmentation, which is the process of breaking markets into groups that are similar but not the same. There are a variety of various ways to segment. The two most frequent are:
Consumer segmentation is used to determine which consumers to target and serve with different marketing propositions, or to adjust brands, products, pricing, and communication to specific groups and make better use of marketing resources.
Occasion-Based Segments - utilized to understand needs on different occasions (e.g., drank a coffee to wake up in the morning, or had a social coffee with friends after work) to aid in new product creation in repertoire markets, or brand positioning for customers with several brands.
Cluster sampling
A probability sampling method in which clusters of population units are picked at random and then all (one-stage cluster sampling) or some (two-stage cluster sampling) of the units in those clusters are analyzed.
The techniques for transforming responses into an analysis-ready format. Normally entails assigning number codes to responses.
Coefficient of determination
The degree of linear relationship between a dependent variable and independent variables.
Concept boards
A form of stimulation material that uses a series of boards to depict various product, promotional, or pack designs.
Confidence level
The probability that the true population value will fall inside a certain range.
Conjoint analysis
Conjoint Analysis, an abbreviation for "consider jointly," is a powerful statistical technique for determining which combination of a small number of traits or features has the most influence on a consumer's purchasing decision.
Conjoint analysis
Conjoint Analysis, an abbreviation for "consider jointly," is a powerful statistical technique for determining which combination of a small number of traits or features has the most influence on a consumer's purchasing decision.
Conjoint Analysis is a multivariate technique based on the assumption that while selecting a product or service, customers will trade off attributes concurrently. This process is duplicated in a responder exercise, in which respondents are shown a variety of scenarios and asked to express their choice or preference among a selection of products/services with varying combinations of attribute levels. The resulting data is used to develop a model that simulates "what if" scenarios and evaluates the impact of each attribute on the decision-making process. Conjoint analysis is commonly utilized in concept testing studies and price research.
Constant sum scales
A scaling method in which the respondent divides a fixed number of points, typically 100, among a set of traits based on their relevance to the individual.
Construct validity
An examination of the underlying theories and prior studies that support the inclusion of the various elements on the scale. It is most usually categorized into two types: convergent validity and discriminant validity
Content analysis
Analysis of any type of communication, such as ads, newspaper articles, television shows, or taped conversations. Frequently used to analyze qualitative research data.
Content analysis software
Software designed for qualitative research that counts the number of times pre-specified words or phrases appear in text
Content validity
A subjective yet systematic assessment as to how well a rating scale measures a topic of interest. For example a group of subject experts may be asked to comment on the extent to which all of the key dimensions of a topic have been included.
Continuous research
See Longitudinal research.
Contrived observation
A study method that involves watching individuals in a controlled environment.
Convenience sampling
A non-probability sampling process in which possible respondents are chosen based on the researcher's convenience (i.e., the researcher approaches the most accessible people of the target group).
Convergent validity
A measure of how well the findings of a rating scale correspond with those of other scales or measurements for the same topic/construct
Web retailers place text files on a user's machine to identify the user the next time he or she visits the site.
A statistical strategy for determining the link between two variables. Uses an index to express the strength of a relationship.
Cost per complete (CPC)
CPC is a typical word in quantitative research that refers to the cost per completed survey. This figure normally includes the cost of the sample that will be recruited to participate in the study, any associated fielding costs, and the cost of employing survey software for data collecting.
Critical path method (CPM)
A managerial tool for planning a research project. It is a network technique that entails breaking down the research project into individual components and estimating the time required to finish each component activity.
Cronbach Alpha
A statistical test used to determine the split-half reliability of a summated rating scale. Also referred to as coefficient alpha.
Cross tabulation (crosstab)
Cross tabulation (or "crosstab" for short) is a method for analyzing and comparing the relationship between two or more variables. Crosstabs are tables that display the distribution of one variable (the "row variable") across the various categories of another variable (the "column variable"). The table's cells display the number and/or percentage of respondents who fall into each category for the row and column variables. Crosstabs aid in the rapid identification of patterns and correlations in data, as well as the comparison of sample subgroups or the detection of differences and similarities among groups.
Cross-sectional research
Research investigations that are conducted only once, collecting data at a single point in time to provide a'snapshot' of the current circumstance. The reverse of longitudinal research
Customer database
A manual or computerised source of data relevant to marketing decision making about an organisation's customers.
CX stands for Customer Experience. Customer experience refers to how customers feel or perceive all aspects (touchpoints) of purchasing goods or services or interacting with a business
Data analysis errors
Non-sampling mistakes arise when data is moved from surveys to computers by inaccurate keying of information.
Data cleaning
Computerised checks are performed on data to identify irregularities and unexplained missing replies.
Data conversion
The transformation of secondary data into a format that allows estimations to be created to fulfill the researcher's requirements.
Data fusion
Data fusion is the process of merging various data sources to create a single, comprehensive representation of information. In market research, data fusion can be used to merge data sets from many sources, such as customer surveys, sales data, and social media analytics, to create a more full and accurate knowledge of consumer behavior and industry trends.
Data level
A data level denotes the sort of data to be analyzed in a hierarchical survey. A healthcare research, for example, could involve interviewing a number of doctors who provided information about a large number of patients who were prescribed a variety of therapy or drugs. Analysis of the survey findings might then be done at the doctor, patient, or therapy levels.
Data mining
Data mining is the process of extracting patterns and knowledge from vast amounts of data using techniques like statistical analysis, machine learning, and database systems. The purpose of data mining in market research is to extract meaningful insights and make data-driven decisions that can help with marketing strategy, product development, and other company efforts.
Data validation
The validation of the explanations and interpretations derived from qualitative data analysis.
Degrees of freedom (d.f.)
The number of observations (i.e. sample size) minus one.
Depth interview
Descriptive statistics
Statistics that allow you to summaries the properties of enormous sets of data using a few numbers. Descriptive statistics are most typically used to measure central tendency (mean, mode, and median) and dispersion (range, interquartile range, and standard deviation).
Desk research
See Secondary research
Dial test
A dial test is a continuous assessment technique that collects input from participants while they watch or listen to content media, such as advertising, broadcasts, or speeches. Participants express their ongoing degree of agreement/like or disagreement/dislike with the topic being given. This used to be a physical dial (thus the name), but it is now typically done online with a slider control. The dial or slider movements are recorded and charted over time to provide insight into the participants' reactions and to assess their emotional engagement with the content under test.
Dichotomous questions
Questions with only two potential responses (e.g. Yes or No).
Discriminant analysis
Discriminant analysis predicts existing group membership (e.g., segments) based on replies to a set of questions (for example, attitudes). The results can then be used to divide future respondents into groups based on their responses to the same set of questions. Similar to CHAID, but utilized when all of the independent variables are scaled.
Discriminant validity
A measure of how well the outcomes of a rating scale do not correlate with other scales from which it is expected to deviate.
Discussion guide
A discussion guide is used to plan and guide focus groups or in-depth interviews with participants. It guides the facilitator or interviewer through the discussion by giving questions, topics, and suggestions. A discussion guide's function is to keep the discourse focused on the study objectives while also encouraging natural and spontaneous dialogue. Also referred to as a topic list.
Disproportionate stratified random sampling
A type of stratified random sampling (see Stratified random sample) in which the units or possible respondents from each population set are chosen based on their relative variability within each subset.
Do-It-Yourself (DIY) research
DIY, or "Do-It-Yourself," refers to market research approaches that can be undertaken without the assistance of professional researchers. This type of market research can allow organizations to make informed decisions about their products, services, and marketing strategies and is often more cost-effective and faster than traditional market research. Examples include standardized methodologies for product and concept testing. DIY is frequently referred to as self-serve research.
Double opt-in (DOI)
A double opt-in (DOI) panellist refers to a person who has agreed to join a research panel and has confirmed their agreement through a two-step verification process. The first step involves providing their email address or other contact information and agreeing to participate in the panel. The second step involves reconfirming their agreement by clicking on a link sent to their email address or by responding to a text message. This process helps to ensure that the panellist has given explicit consent to participate in the research panel and that their contact information is accurate and authentic.
Double-barrelled question
A badly designed question where two issues are raised inside one question.
Doughnut chart
A type of pie chart that displays many sets of data (for example, from separate years).
Emotion recognition
Emotion recognition is the application of artificial intelligence systems to detect and interpret human emotions, typically through the analysis of facial expressions, voice, and text.
Ethnography is a research method used to study cultural customs, rituals, consumer behaviour, routines, and social conventions. It aids in the discovery of previously unseen opportunities by taking a realistic look at people's lives and focusing the research on behavior. Ethnographic fieldwork frequently includes observation and empathic interviewing, as well as the creation of ethnographic films using video recordings.
Eye tracking
Eye tracking is a technique for determining and evaluating where and how individuals look at visual information. It employs a device, such as a camera or sensor, to track a person's eye movements while viewing stimuli. In market research, eye tracking is used to analyze how people engage with visual information such as commercials, product packaging, and website layouts. It can reveal which design components are garnering attention, where people are looking the most, and which are being missed.
Face-to-face survey
Face-to-face interviews with respondents using a paper-based questionnaire, a laptop computer, tablet, or mobile device are part of the research process.
Facial tracking
Facial tracking is a technique for measuring and evaluating facial expressions and movements. It employs a camera or sensor to capture and track a person's facial movements and expressions. Facial tracking can reveal a person's emotions, such as happiness, sadness, rage, and surprise, as well as more subtle expressions, such as furrowed brows, tightened lips, and elevated eyebrows. In market research, facial tracking is used to determine how individuals react emotionally to advertisements, products, and other stimuli.
Factor Analysis
Factor analysis is a statistical approach for determining the similarities between elements in order to produce a more concise summary of themes. For example, from a set of 20 comments about automotive images, we might find a factor about dependability, design, performance, environment, and image. This can be useful for organizing statements in a presentation so that comparable claims appear together, as well as for data reduction objectives, such as focusing a segmentation or accounting for bias in questionnaire design that includes too many statements from a single theme.
Focus group
A focus group is a research strategy for gathering qualitative data through group conversations. Participants meet in a moderated group environment to discuss a given topic, product, or service. The moderator facilitates the discussion by encouraging participants to share their thoughts, experiences, and attitudes. The focus group data is analyzed to learn about the target audience's attitudes, beliefs, and motives.
Frequency distributions
See Holecounts
Funnel sequence
A method of organizing questions in a questionnaire that progresses from generalities to details.
Gabor Granger
Gabor Granger is a pricing approach used to determine price elasticity for certain products. Respondents are asked if they are likely to purchase a product at various price points. The purchase intention metrics can be converted to predicted take-up scores and plotted to determine the optimal pricing point. The technique can be extended to present products in a competitive setting.
Galvanic Skin Response (GSR)
Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) is a technique for measuring variations in the electrical conductance of the skin that can reflect changes in emotional arousal. It employs a sensor that is placed on the skin, usually on the fingers or palms, to detect variations in conductance produced by sweat gland activity. When a person is emotionally stimulated, sweat gland activity rises, which can cause alterations in the electrical conductivity of the skin. GSR is used in market research to better understand people's emotional responses to advertisements, products, and other stimuli. It can provide information about the efficacy of commercials and product packaging, as well as the emotional impact of branding, pricing, and other marketing initiatives.
Gamification, or the technique of incorporating game-like aspects into a research activity, is increasingly being utilized to engage participants and collect data in a more participatory manner. If a survey is interesting, dynamic, and fun, respondents are more inclined to participate, and data is acquired in a more natural and less intrusive manner. This should result in better quality data.
GANTT chart
A managerial tool for planning a research project. It is a type of flowchart that shows a schematic representation of the activity, time, and manpower needs for a certain research project.
Geodemographic profiling
A profiling method that uses postal addresses to classify various communities based on purchasing power and behaviour.
Grounded theory
A set of analysis techniques that were developed in the 1960s by two medical sociologists, Glaser and Strauss(1967). It is more commonly used by academic researchers rather than marketing research practitioners in areas where little is known about a subject or where a new approach to understanding behaviour is required. It is a systematic method of generating theory and understanding through qualitative data collection and analysis.
Group depth interviews
See Focus group
Group moderator
The interviewer responsible for the management and encouragement of participants in a group discussion.
Hall test
Research conducted in a central hall or venue to gauge respondents' initial reactions to a product, package, or concept. Interviewers stationed around major pedestrian thoroughfares recruit respondents into the hall. Also known as a Central Location Test (CLT).
Holecounts are the number of respondents who provided every conceivable answer to each question in a questionnaire. Also known as frequency distributions or topline numbers. The phrase originates from the days when punched cards were utilized and data was represented by physical holes punched out of the cards.
A researcher makes an assumption or statement regarding a trait of the population under investigation.
IDI stands for in-depth interview (sometimes known as individual depth interview or simply depth interview). An IDI is a qualitative research method that uses a very open, discovery-oriented approach to elicit extensive information about a topic from participants.
IHUT stands for "In-Home Usage Test," a market research strategy that allows customers to evaluate products in their own homes. Participants in an IHUT study are given a product to try and asked to rate its features, benefits, and overall satisfaction. This type of research assists producers and marketers in determining how a product will perform in a real-world situation and identifying opportunities for improvement. Also referred to as a placement test.
Impact indices
Impact indices assess how an independent variable affects a dependent variable. It is commonly employed when the independent variables are binary (e.g., Yes/No), and can be used to assess the impact of various product attributes on product preference.
Implicit Association Test (IAT)
An Implicit Association Test (IAT) is a psychological assessment technique that reveals unconscious biases. It assesses a respondent's automatic links between mental representations of items in memory and perceptions, attitudes, or stereotypes. The exam measures how quickly people classify diverse stimuli, such as words, brands, logos, faces, and so on.
Implicit assumption
A poorly crafted inquiry in which the researcher and the respondent use distinct frames of reference as a result of their respective assumptions about the question being asked.
Independent samples
Samples in which measuring the variable of interest in one sample has no effect on measuring the same variable in the other.
Internal data
Secondary data obtained from within the organisation that requires the research to be undertaken.
Interquartile range
A measure of dispersion that calculates the difference between the 75th and 25th percentile in a set of data.
Interval data
Similar to ordinal data, but with the added dimension of equal gaps between values on a scale. This means that on a scale of 1 to 5, the difference between 1 and 2 is equivalent to the difference between 4 and 5. However, ratios between distinct values on the scale are invalid (for example, 4 does not equal twice the value of 2).
Interviewer bias
Bias and inaccuracies in research findings caused by the acts of an interviewer. This can be modified by who the interviewer interviews, how the interview is conducted, and how replies are documented.
Interviewer Quality Control Scheme (IQCS)
A quality control mechanism for interviewers in the United Kingdom. The Market Research Society, the Association of Market Survey Organisations, the Association of British Market Research Companies, the Association of Users of Research Agencies, and a number of leading research companies collaborate on the scheme, which aims to improve interviewer selection, training, and supervision.
Judgement sampling
A non-probability sampling process in which a researcher intentionally selects a sample that he or she believes is most appropriate for the research project.
Key Driver Analysis
A non-probability sampling process in which a researcher intentionally selects a sample that he or she believes is most appropriate for the research project.
This word refers to a wide range of statistical approaches, including correlations and structural equation modelling. Various techniques can be utilized depending on the aims, data type, and intended application of the results.
Kiosk-based survey
A survey is typically conducted at an exhibition or trade show using touch screen computers to collect information from respondents. Such computers may be configured to give complicated surveys complete with full-color images, sound, and video clips. They can be much cheaper to administer than typical exit surveys conducted by human interviewers.
Kruskal's relative importance analysis
Kruskals' relative importance analysis is a sort of Key Driver Analysis that is used in place of other techniques such as simple regression analysis, which can produce deceptive results when there is missing data or when variables are strongly related to one another (as is characteristic with research data).
Leading question
A poorly written question that tends to lead responders to a specific answer. Sometimes referred to as a loaded question.
Least filled quota sampling
Least-filled quota sampling is a version of quota sampling in which the research team tries to fill the quotas as efficiently as possible by picking respondents from the sub-population with the lowest representation in the sample. This strategy is employed when the research team needs to ensure that the sample is representative of the population while simultaneously reducing the number of respondents required to meet quotas.
Least squares approach
A regression approach commonly used to get the best-fit equation of a line for a given set of data comprising a dependent and independent variable.
Lifetime value
The current worth of expected future transactions and net income associated with a specific client relationship.
Likert scale
A Likert scale is a rating scale that asks respondents to rate their level of agreement with a set of statements about a product, organisation, or concept. The descriptions used on the scale are Strongly agree, Agree, Neither agree nor disagree, Disagree, and Strongly disagree. It is based on a format created by Renis Likert in 1932.
Linear regression
Linear regression is used to determine the relative impact of various causes in order to replicate a dependent variable. For example, consider the effect of brand visual products on brand appeal.
Logistic regression
Logistic regression is used to determine the relative relevance of various factors in order to recreate a binary dependent variable. It is utilized when traditional linear regression cannot be employed, and it is especially effective in propensity modeling.
Longitudinal research
A research in which data is collected at multiple points in time, allowing trends across time to be studied. This may entail asking the same questions to the same or comparable responders several times. Also known as ongoing research. Longitudinal surveys are also called Trackers.
Measures of dispersion
Measures that show how'spread out' a set of data is. The most commonly used are the range, interquartile range, and standard deviation.
When all the values in a data set are arranged in ascending order, the median is the value of the middle case in a series.
Mixed Mode Studies
To boost response rates, research projects employ a range of collection methods in a single survey (for example, administering the same questionnaire online and in person).
The value in a set of data that occurs most frequently.
Monadic testing
Monadic testing is a survey approach in which multiple concepts are tested, but each respondent only evaluates one. Monadic testing is widely employed in the early stages of product or concept development, when researchers are experimenting with various concepts or ideas and wish to collect data on their potential customer appeal. For an alternate approach, consider sequential monadic testing.
Multi-stage sampling
A sampling method in which a number of sequential sampling phases are completed before the final sample is collected.
Multiple discriminant analysis
A statistical technique for categorizing individuals into one of two or more groups (or populations) based on a set of measurements.
Multiple regression analysis
A statistical technique for investigating the association between three or more variables and calculating the likely value of the dependent variable based on the values of two or more independent variables.
Multivariate data analysis
Statistical procedures for analyzing two or more variables on a sample of objects. The most commonly used approaches include multiple regression analysis, multiple discriminant analysis, factor analysis, cluster analysis, perceptual mapping, and conjoint analysis.
Mystery shopping
Mystery shopping is a means of evaluating the quality of services supplied to clients. It is also used to determine whether employees are following company policies or industry standards. Mystery shoppers are paid to impersonate regular customers in order to gain an accurate understanding of the shopping/buying process. Mystery shopping can take place in-store, over the phone, online, or a mix of these to gain a comprehensive understanding of the customer journey.
Nat Rep
Nat Rep, an abbreviation for "national representative sample," is a research sample designed to be representative of a country's or region's whole population. This is usually accomplished by drawing participants at random from a sampling frame that includes all persons or households in the target population. The purpose of utilizing a Nat Rep sample is to ensure that the research findings may be applied to the full population.
Natural Language Processing (NLP)
NLP is a subset of AI that studies and generates human language, such as speech recognition, text production, and sentiment analysis.
Net Promoter Score (NPS)
Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a metric for customer loyalty and advocacy. It is a measure used to determine if a client will refer a company's products or services to others. NPS is computed by asking customers to estimate their likelihood of recommending a firm on a scale of 0 to 10, and then categorizing their replies into three groups: Detractors (0-6), Passives (7-8), and Promoters (9-10). NPS is extensively utilized in various industries and sectors because it is a straightforward, rapid, and easy-to-understand statistic that provides a comprehensive picture of a company's customer happiness and loyalty.
Netnography is a qualitative research method that investigates online communities. It entails systematically observing and analyzing a group of people's online interactions, communications, and content. Netnography can refer to a variety of online venues, including social media, forums, blogs, wikis, and other virtual communities. The purpose of netnography is to learn about a certain online population's ideas, attitudes, behaviours, and motives, as well as how they communicate and engage with one another in a virtual setting. Also known as online ethnography and webnography.
Market researchers employ neuroscience to provide an accurate and unbiased evaluation of consumer response. Researchers can use techniques like electroencephalography (EEG) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to assess brain activity and gain a better understanding of how people respond to marketing cues. Researchers have used brain activity to discover the most successful sorts of commercials, marketing messaging, and design concepts for engaging and persuading people. The primary barrier to employing neuroscience in market research is the cost of the equipment and expertise necessary to operate it. However, costs are beginning to fall; for example, portable EEG devices are now available and can be used to detect brain activity outside of the laboratory setting.
Nominal data
Numbers assigned to items or phenomena as labels or identification numbers; they name or classify but have no quantitative meaning.
Non-probability sampling
A group of sampling procedures that use a subjective selection procedure, leaving the probability of selection for each member of the population of interest uncertain.
Non-response errors
An mistakes in a study occurs when some potential respondents do not reply. This could be due to respondents refusing or being unavailable to participate in the research
Non-sampling error
Errors that occur in a study but are not related to sampling error. They are typically categorized into three categories: sampling frame error, non-response error, and data error.
Normal distribution
Null hypothesis